Acupuncture vs Other Treatment Modalities

Many patients tried everything before coming for Acupuncture. We hope you experience Acupuncture or prevent pain in the early stage.  

Acupuncture vs Other Treatment Modalities

Pain medication vs Acupuncture 

Pain medication is excellent for suppressing pain. We need to use it when the pain is not under control. There are the reasons you have pain which is the blockage of circulation on the soft tissue. We need to treat the source of the pain and educate to transform the negative health habits to cause the pain. 

Chiropractic vs Acupuncture 

Chiropractic works excellently for adjusting bone structure. There are reasons that the spine has subluxation. When muscles pull one side, we need to relax the affected muscle to return to the normal position. Acupuncture works great to release muscle tension so that the spine returns to its normal position. We recommend doing Acupuncture first and going to the chiropractic clinic later so your chiropractor can adjust better with less muscle tension.   

Physical therapy vs Acupuncture 

Physical therapy works great to enhance and restore muscles and ligaments. If patients have inflammation with swelling, we need to reduce swelling first before regaining range of motion and muscle strength. Acupuncture is an excellent tool for anti-inflammation. We don’t recommend PT and exercise during the active inflammation period with swelling because it can prolong a recovery time, but we highly recommend PT once you need to gain strength back.

Surgery vs Acupuncture 

We hope the surgery is the last choice because you cannot reverse it once the surgery is done. Once a structure cannot be repairable such as bone fractures or a high degree of muscle tears confirmed by medical imaging, surgery is necessary and inevitable. Even in this case, Acupuncture helps reduce inflammation before and after the surgery to increase the success rate. The swelling decreases the range of motion and reduces the blood flow to the local area because it pinches the blood and nerve flow. You can experience Acupuncture for at least three weeks to explore if Acupuncture can help avoid surgery if your condition is not a 100% surgery case.


Jungmin Ahn, AEMP


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