We believe that pain comes from the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of a person's life. Our practitioner uses different treatment techniques to effectively relieve pain and stress.

Conditions we treat

Headache & Migraine


Neck & Upper Back Pain

Lower Back Pain

Shoulder & Upper Limb Pain

Hip & Lower Limb Pain

Back Pain services are offered in Mill Creek, Everett, WA

Back Pain services

You’re almost guaranteed to experience back pain at some point, especially if you do excessive sitting or standing on a typical day. At Silverlake Clinic in Everett, Washington, Jungmin Ahn, AEMP, LAc, MS, and the rest of the team use acupuncture and other natural practices to restore balance in your back and improve long-term pain. To find out which treatments are suitable for your back pain, call Silverlake Clinic or schedule an appointment online today.

Back Pain Q & A

What is back pain?

Back pain is one of the top medical complaints in the United States. Since the modern work style has changed in sedentary work, we get more weight bearing on the L4~S1 area.

This area is also common to get a herniated disc. The back pain can generate from the muscles (pain with moving), ligaments (pain towards the end of the movement), or nerves (numbness, radiating pain).

The team at Silverlake Clinic uses several tests to learn more about your back pain and what might be causing it, including:

Range of motion tests

Range of motion tests tells the team how your back moves and can pinpoint muscle issues and imbalances that might be contributing to your discomfort. 

Pressure tests 

Apply pressure on muscles with fingers or a wooden tool to identify which specific muscles or ligaments have issues 

Pinch and roll tests

Pinch and roll tests help locate nerve issues causing back pain, which is common because your spine and nerve roots are located in your back. This test can determine which specific nerves are pinched on the low back and buttock area.

Orthopedic tests

Orthopedic tests find structural issues in your spine contributing to back pain, like disc problems. 

What causes back pain?

Some back pain comes from sudden injuries, while other back pain sets in slowly because of age-related degeneration. You might also get back pain from a long-term condition like arthritis. 

A few of the most common back pain causes are:

  • Prolonged sitting and standing without proper breaks and stretching 

  • Improper sleep posture 

  • Improper exercise habits (heavy or intense than your limit) 

  • Muscle weakness and swelling

  • Inflammation from soft tissues 

  • Pinched nerves

  • Sprains and strains

  • Degenerative disc disease

  • Bulging or Herniated discs

  • Digestive disorders 

You might be more prone to back pain because of your behaviors and tendencies in day-to-day life. Prolonged sitting and standing play significant roles in lower back pain, and poor posture can contribute to or worsen your discomfort. 

How is back pain treated?

The team at Silverlake Clinic works with you on improving your posture and trains you on how to walk properly, stretch your back, and stretch your flanks to minimize pain and prevent future back injuries. They also provide treatments that reduce swelling and tightness in your back to relieve pressure from pinched nerves and restore balance. 

The team develops your treatment plan based on your pain’s cause, severity, and location. They might recommend:

  • Acupuncture

  • Acupressure (Forearm, Ear, Hand, Foot) 

  • Cupping therapy 

  • Point injection therapy

  • Acupotomy

  • Essential oils

  • Asian herbal medicine

  • Dietary advice

  • Posture correction (work, sleep, walk) 

  • Stretching

  • Asian Manual therapy

  • Self-care workshop for pain and stress relief

When you adopt a better posture, walking patterns, and sleeping positions, it gets easier to manage or avoid pain in any part of your back. 

If you have back pain and are looking for natural options for treatment, call Silverlake Clinic or schedule an appointment online today.

Neck Pain services are offered in Mill Creek, Everett, WA

Neck Pain services

With the daily use of cell phones and other electronic devices, neck pain and upper back pain are more common than ever. At Silverlake Clinic in Everett, Washington, Jungmin Ahn, AEMP, LAc, MS, and the rest of the team provide natural neck pain treatments using Eastern and Western medicine techniques. To explore your options for neck pain relief, call Silverlake Clinic or schedule an appointment online today.

Neck Pain Q & A

What is neck pain?

Neck pain is a highly prevalent symptom and one of the most commonly treated medical concerns. While you might experience temporary neck pain from time to time because of awkward sleeping positions, it’s also possible to develop chronic (long-term) neck pain due to poor posture, computer use, or other ongoing habits. 

Neck pain varies widely in its features, with some of it being sharp and stabbing, while other instances cause more of a dull ache. The features of your pain and the results of some basic tests in the office can help the team figure out the underlying cause and get you on track to relief through treatment. They also evaluate the mobility of your neck and can offer solutions for stiffness and mobility problems. 

What causes neck pain?

Neck pain has numerous possible causes, many of which are nerve-related. Your neck houses the cervical spine, the upper section of your spine, and houses your spinal cord near your brain. There are many nerve roots in the region exiting the cervical spine, and impingement of one of them can lead to pain and other symptoms.

A few of the most common neck pain causes are:

  • Prolonged usage of cellphone and computer devices with improper posture 

  • Improper sleep posture with improper usage of pillow and mattress 

  • Improper monitor level with eyes (repetitive overlook or looking down) 

  • Prolonged work hours without stretch and break 

  • Eye tension due to prolonged computer use (work, gaming, cellphone) 

  • Hypertension or low blood pressure 

  • Dehydration

  • Facet joint syndrome with cervical spine subluxation 

  • Stress holding on the neck 

  • Sprains and strains (whiplash injuries)

  • Cervical spinal stenosis

Beyond providing treatment, the team at Silverlake Clinic advises you on the steps you can take to stop your neck pain from worsening or avoid new neck pain in the future. 

What are my options for neck pain treatment?

Neck pain treatments at Silverlake Clinic alleviate your discomfort by reducing tightness and swelling in the affected areas, including your neck itself as well as your upper back and shoulders. Your treatment might consist of multiple strategies to align your cervical spine’s curvature and restore balance to the muscles, including:

  • Acupuncture

  • Acupressure (Forearm, Ear, Hand, Foot) 

  • Cupping therapy

  • Acupotomy

  • Asian Manual therapy

  • Essential oils

  • Asian herbal medicine

  • Dietary advice

  • Posture correction (work, sleep, walk) 

  • Breathing and relaxation techniques

  • Stretching

  • Craniosacral therapy

  • Stone rolling pillow 

  • Self-care workshop for pain and stress relief stone acupressure

In addition to any treatments you get, the team helps you work on improving your posture and optimizing your sleeping position. They also teach beneficial stretches and relaxation techniques to work on your muscles. 

To explore your options for neck pain treatment, call Silverlake Clinic or schedule a treatment consultation online today.

Headache services are offered in Mill Creek, Everett, WA

Headache services

Headaches affect almost everyone occasionally, but frequent headaches or migraines can become a significant inconvenience and source of distress in your life. At Silverlake Clinic in Everett, Washington, Jungmin Ahn, AEMP, LAc, MS, and the rest of the team use acupuncture and acupressure to improve the flow of energy and relax your muscles, ligaments, and nerves. These treatments reduce both the frequency and intensity of your headaches or migraines. For more information about natural treatments for headaches, call Silverlake Clinic or book an appointment online today.

Headache Q & A

What is a headache?

A headache refers to pain in any part of your head, often located on just one side. Most people experience headaches from time to time, which can appear in response to various triggers like stress, caffeine, or certain foods. 

Headaches and migraines are similar but not quite the same:


A headache involves pain in your head or nearby areas like your face or upper neck. They vary in their location, intensity, and frequency. Common types include vascular headaches (tension headache or extravasated blood headache), and neurogenetic headaches (facet joint syndrome, occipital neuralgia, or intracranial hypertension).


Migraines are headache-related disorders, but migraines are more than just headaches. They can be debilitating and involve additional symptoms like light sensitivity, sound sensitivity, fatigue, nausea, and digestive disorders. You might even have some migraines with no headache at all. Not everyone gets them, but those who do experience recurring symptoms. 

What causes headaches?

You can get a headache in response to a trigger or seemingly for no reason. To find out more about the headaches you experience, the team at Silverlake Clinic checks the tightness of the muscles in your head using both hands, named “Ahn’s Scalp Tenderness Test.”

More tightness in your head means more pressure, which leads to frequent headaches. The key to improving this is to boost circulation in your head. The team provides treatments that restore circulation, release internal pressure, and reduce any swelling or tightness in your neck contributing to your pain. 

How can I prevent or treat headaches?

Treatments at Silverlake Clinic can lead you to experience fewer headaches and migraines overall. Fortunately, there are plenty of natural options that can help you manage your frequent head pain and other symptoms that come with it. Your personalized care plan might involve the following:


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine technique that restores a balanced energy flow through your body. Your provider inserts fine needles in your skin at specific points to release pressure and stimulate better blood flow, among other beneficial properties. 


Acupressure uses the same principles as acupuncture but doesn’t involve needles. Instead, your provider uses their arms, hands, ears, and objects to place pressure at specific points for similar benefits. 

Call Silverlake Clinic or book an appointment online today to explore natural treatments for headaches and migraines.

Neuropathy services are offered
in Mill Creek, Everett, WA

Neuropathy services

Damaged or pinched nerves can cause numbness, burning, and even muscle instability that puts you at risk for falls and injuries. Jungmin Ahn, AEMP, LAc, MS, and the rest of the team at Silverlake Clinic in Everett, Washington, provide treatments for neuropathy, combining knowledge from Eastern and Western medicine. To book a neuropathy treatment consultation at Silverlake Clinic, call the office or schedule online today.

Neuropathy Q & A

What is neuropathy?

Neuropathy is nerve entrapment or damage that can cause widespread neurological symptoms like tingling, numbness, or pain. It only affects nerves in the peripheral nervous system, any of the nerves outside your brain and spinal cord. Most people primarily get neuropathy in their limbs, but the symptoms can affect other nerves and impact body functions like digestion. 

Possible neuropathy symptoms include:

  • Numbness and tingling

  • Burning and radiating pain

  • Muscle weakness

  • Lack of coordination

  • Touch sensitivity

The team at Silverlake Clinic examines your symptoms and uses Eastern and Western medicine principles to develop a suitable care plan. They identify the nerves responsible for your symptoms before recommending treatment. 

What causes neuropathy?

While many conditions, circumstances, and lifestyle choices can lead to neuropathy, diabetes is the most common. More than half of all people with diabetes experience neuropathy. Other possible causes are:

  • Pinched nerves 

  • Diabetes 

  • Nerve or brain injuries

  • Autoimmune diseases

  • Alcoholism

  • Viral or bacterial infections

  • Vitamin deficiencies

Finding out why you have neuropathy offers insight into how to treat it and prevent future symptoms. 

How is neuropathy treated?

The main objective of treatments for neuropathy is to reduce tightness in your muscles along the painful or numb nerves. For example, if you have numbness in your hands, your provider needs to track back to the forearm, upper arm, shoulder, and to cervical spine.

Likewise, finding the exact pinched nerves is the key to reducing the neuropathy symptoms on foot. Treatments also aim to increase circulation to ensure your nerves and muscles are getting adequate supplies of oxygenated blood and eliminating the carbon dioxide and metabolic wastes

You may need to undergo several different treatments to unblock pinched nerves. Silverlake Clinic treats neuropathy using:


Acupuncture is an ancient treatment that uses fine needles placed in your skin to redirect and balance the flow of energy called Qi

Electric Acupuncture

Applying a small electric current to pass between pairs of acupuncture needles for neurological conditions

Acupressure (Forearm, Ear, Hand, Foot) 

Like acupuncture, acupressure promotes relaxation and wellness using pressure from your provider’s hands, elbows, or special devices to redirect the flow of Qi.

Point Injection Therapy

Your provider injects substances such as procaine or homeopathic remedies to help with pain.


Your provider uses an acupuncture needle with scalpel functions to micro-cut the contracture of soft tissues and unblock the blood vessel and nerve pathway.

Infrared Therapy

Infrared heat can warm up the tissues to improve local circulation.

Asian Herbal Medicine

Customized herbs to make the internal balance, helping treat the underlying cause of pain and chronic diseases based on yin & yang and 5E theory. 

Cupping therapy

Applying special cups on your skin for a few minutes can improve local circulation. The skin color on the cupping area indicates the blood circulation status. There are stationary, running, and wet cupping.


Often, neuropathy is associated with imbalances from poor posture and other improper body positions. The team educates you on proper sleep, work posture, and stretching techniques to release pressure from various nerves.

Self-Care Virtual Meeting 

The team teaches self-care methods for pain and stress relief. A participant meets online every Saturday morning for a month. It’s a hands-on practice to apply in daily life. It includes acupressure, posture training, deep breathing, meditation, and stretching.

In addition to any of these procedures, the team might also recommend Asian herbal medicine to improve your health and wellness. 

Don’t let your neuropathy symptoms keep you uncomfortable indefinitely. Call Silverlake Clinic or book an appointment online to explore your treatment options today.

Pain Relief services are offered
in Mill Creek, Everett, WA

Pain Relief services

Experiencing relief from your ongoing pain is possible through habit changes and natural treatments designed to restore balance among your muscles and nerves. Jungmin Ahn, AEMP, LAc, MS, and the team at Silverlake Clinic in Everett, Washington, provide various services from Eastern and Western medicine to alleviate the pain of all kinds. Explore your pain relief treatment options today by scheduling a consultation over the phone or online.

Pain Relief Q & A

What is pain relief?

Pain relief refers to treatments and services that help you enjoy life with less pain and discomfort. There are endless reasons why you might be in pain, including various injuries and major illnesses. Regardless of the cause of your pain, many natural solutions can improve your well-being. 

The team at Silverlake Clinic evaluates your pain with a detailed exam and simple tests they conduct in the clinic. They can then make personalized recommendations based on the location, cause, and intensity of your pain and any other symptoms. 

Can I benefit from pain relief services?

Pain relief services are crucial for those with ongoing pain, significantly if your pain limits you in any way. 

One of the possible reasons why you experience pain is a lack of blood flow. If your nerves aren’t getting an adequate supply of oxygenated blood, they don’t have the necessary nutrients to function correctly. In response, your muscles get tighter, and swelling occurs because of the buildup of blood and lymph.

As this happens, your nerves send pain signals or radiate numbness. This is your sign that something’s wrong and that you should contact Silverlake Clinic for pain relief services. 

Which treatments can I get for pain relief? 

Many Eastern medicine practices work toward improving circulation and restoring the function of your muscles and nerves to alleviate pain. The team at Silverlake Clinic routinely uses these practices to treat headaches, back pain, neck pain, neuropathy, and other common pain types. 

Once the team determines the locations of your tight muscles and pinched nerves, they can make personalized recommendations to reduce your discomfort. Your care plan might involve the following:

  • Acupuncture 

  • Acupressure (Forearm, Ear, Hand, Foot) 

  • Cupping therapy

  • Point injection therapy

  • Acupotomy

  • Microneedling

  • Essential oils

  • Asian herbal medicine

  • Dietary advice

  • Posture correction (work, sleep, walk) 

  • Breathing and relaxation techniques

  • Stretching

  • Asian Manual therapy

  • Craniosacral therapy

  • Self-care workshop for pain and stress relief

Your daily habits and tendencies strongly determine the level of pain you experience and its frequency. Poor health habits like bad posture, a poor diet, and time spent hunched over a computer can all contribute to pain, so the team helps you examine and evaluate your habits to make healthy changes.

To learn more about your body’s pain signals and what you can do for pain relief, call Silverlake Clinic or schedule an appointment online today.