A simple explanation of how Acupuncture works for pain? (Part 1)

Part 1. Increase circulation by un-pinching

If you experience pain, there may be poor circulation in that area. When we have good circulation, we do not experience pain. Therefore, the key to pain relief lies in making our circulation better.

I. Think about the pinched water hose
When the water hose gets pinched or folded in some area, the water doesn’t flow due to the blockage. Instead, it builds up water pressure above the pinched area. However, if we correct the hose, it will flow well instantly (unless the hose is physically damaged). The same thing applies to our bodies. Once we correct the pinching on muscles, ligaments, or nerves, we can experience instant relief from pain.

II. Less swelling means better circulation
Swelling plays a big role in pain. As you can see in the picture, swelling pushes the nerve. When we use acupuncture to reduce swelling, we insert acupuncture needles to reduce the internal pressure caused by swelling. It’s similar to letting air out of a tire or balloon. When there is less or no swelling, the nerve is left unbothered, which in turn means less or no pain.

Contact Us!
If you have any questions, please contact us at 425-523-8878 or office@silverlakeclinic.com. After a thorough and careful evaluation, I will determine the severity and nature of your condition and discuss how we will treat it.
Live life with less pain / Silverlake Clinic


A simple explanation of how Acupuncture works for pain? (Part 2)


Acupuncture for neck & upper back pain