Yin and Yang

yin and yang

Yin and Yang is the comparison. Nothing is fixed.

Why is important to understand Yin and Yang?

It’s important to have a balance. Moderation is the key for East Asian Medicine. Not too cold, not too warm. If you know your tendency, you can make a choice to make a balance by food, herbs, and activities.

For example, a yin type of person can make a balance to eat food and activity generating heat such as lamb, apricot, ginseng, spices, coffee, and more active exercises, etc. Yang type of person can make a choice to eat food for cooling the body such as watermelon, celery, cucumber, cranberry, and more stationary exercise like yoga and meditation or swimming.

Please ask your acupuncturist, what’s your type and how you can make a balance for a healthier life.

yin and yang

Jungmin Ahn
Silverlake Clinic


What is Ki(Qi)?


Five elements